Humanity Is a Profusion of Errant Flesh and Will Merge Again With the Elder in Time

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  1. Through university I was taught that both Jesus and the bible were fully human and fully divine. That jesus was the son 0of God thus fully Divine and in the grade of human thus fully man and that the bible was written by men making information technology fully human being just was also the inspired innerant give-and-take of God making it fully divine.

    Do you lot concord that Jesus and the Bible are both fully Human and Fully Divine ? Does the bible or other testify ever sugguest overwise ?

  2. Ane of the main evidences that I have found of scripture being fully human, and that is that in some of the earliest manuscripts nosotros have of the Gospel John'southward writings, there are spelling errors in the Greek.
  3. NorrinRadd

    NorrinRadd Xian, Biblicist, Fideist, Pneumatic, Antinomian

    If they're "fully human," I say we should supersede them with something more than entertaining -- Say, Jack Kirby'south "Fourth World" sagas, or Flavor 8 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or something similar that.
  4. your misunderstanding the betoken im making, aye they are fully human, only they are also fully inspired by God.
  5. yes this is a misconception that many people have , hey recollect that if the bible is human then we may as well not read it. But I would say that the humanity behind the bible makes it more relevent to us. Look at the gospels , Luke recorded so much more about women and so anyone else... information technology was all inspired and true .. only it seems that luke alone felt it was very important ... John ?? only 12% of John is institute in the other gospels .. thats because he chose to bear witness all the events that proved jesus was God .. John was writting to evangelise ... the otehrs were assuming thier audience already believed. and Matthew ... he talks virtually the jewishness of Jesus and emphasises information technology .. it is true simply because it is more evident in atthew it shows that matthew had a human side and felt it was important to put in whereas the others didnt.

    This is the same with all bible writters ... there is so much to each stroy ... but they only put in what they felt was important

  6. I've never heard anyone claim that the Bible is either human or divine.
  7. Rom one:3-4 is a good verse showing that He is both divine and human being.
  8. Hi Goliwog:So, Jesus Christ the “Son of God” is fully human ‘and’ fully divine ‘and’ the Bible is fully human ‘and’ fully divine, according to the professors of your university. :0) The fact is that nobody writing on your topic (including yous) has quoted ane poetry from God to offer 1 line of ‘rightly divided’ (2Tim. 2:15) commentary proving any such matter. Your professors are guilty of selling MYTHS (2Tim. 4:iii-4) with no ground in Biblical reality any. Cypher. Jesus Christ Himself taught on the subject of the greatest man born of women and He (the Son of God) was not fifty-fifty mentioned. Scripture says,If amongst those built-in of women there has NOT arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist, and so how practice ‘y'all’ and ‘your professors’ say Jesus Christ is ‘fully human’ in the get-go place? Where does Scripture teach that Jesus Christ is conceived of ANY WOMAN?? This is what Scripture says by the give-and-take of the angel of the Lord,John the Baptist (priest) is the greatest of everyone born of women, because he is the incarnation of this entire universe in i “man sent from God” (John 1:6, 3:31) in the person of our father Adam (diagram); even if very few hither are ready to have his true identity as Elijah (prophet), David (prince/rex = diagram) or the ‘prophet’ of Acts 3:xix-26. The Campaigner Paul teaches on this topic, proverb (pay conscientious attending),Those among yous attempting to transform the “Son of God” into “God Himself” and a “mere human” but DO NOT even brainstorm to know our Lord Jesus Christ as the “Word of God” made mankind. Jesus Christ walked this world “existence made IN THE LIKENESS OF MEN” and “being institute in advent As A Human being,” when in fact He is no mere human being at all; NOT even close. Those among you blinded by the many forms of Idolatry have transformed the “Just Begotten Son Of God” (John 3:16-eighteen is Christ’s Own testimony) into His God and Father, a mere homo and everything in between ‘and’ without ever knowing Him equally the “Son of God” in the showtime place. Just how many times practise the terms “Jesus” and “divine” (Vine’s definition) announced together in the same verse? How many times do the terms “Christ” and “divine” (Strong’due south Lexicon) announced together in any verse of Scripture? The reply to both questions is Nada. Yous may as well be attempting to bear witness that Jesus Christ is a refrigerator/freezer with water and water ice dispensers, because those things do not appear with Jesus or Christ in any verse either. This Greek adjective (theios) is used but iii times in the New Attestation (Acts 17:29, 2Peter ane:3+4), and then adept luck making your case. Lord-Have-Mercy. :0) How many times does the “Son of God” and “Divine” (capitalized?) announced together in Scripture? Oh yea. Zero! I suppose if you lot say “Jesus is divine” a yard times, and then perhaps someone volition brainstorm parroting the same mantra, just nobody hither tin brand that case from Scripture in a million years. The problem with your assertion is that Jesus Christ is the Word of God and very much MORE than just ‘divine,’ which means but those blinded by their own idolatry would even see the need to begin making such claims. Permit’due south look at Peter’south use of this term in opening his Second Epistle, saying,I purposely bolded the substantive being described by the ‘theios’ (divine) adjective, so perchance you will accept the time to actually ‘see’ the ways God ‘has’ used the discussion accurately. God is describing “His divine power,” and then that MEN can get partakers in the “divine nature” having escaped the abuse that is in the globe by animalism and their own idolatry. If God’s power is ‘divine’ and the nature provided to believers is ‘divine,’ then how can the “Son of God” exist annihilation less than ‘divine’ Himself, according to anyone’due south definition??? :0) If you saw “The Matrix,” “It is the world that has been pulled over your optics to bullheaded you from the truth.” Jesus Christ is Fully the “Son of God” and God raised Him from the dead. Romans x:9. Here is a little Scripture and a little equation to help you put things in their right perspectives. > means “greater than.”Among those born of women there is none greater than Adam the Only “son of God” (Luke 3:38), every bit everyone else hither is ADOPTED As SONS. When Adam incarnates onto this earth over again (equally Elijah = Matt. 11:14, 17:10-11, Acts 3:19-26), then he volition once again be the greatest ever born of women, Considering in the beginning (Gen. ii:7) everyone here was formed IN Him (read 1Cor. 15:22 once again). Everyone refusing to heed his words will be ‘utterly destroyed from among the people,’ because everyone here is a member of “his body” (son of man = this universe incarnate similar Christ = F+Due south+HS incarnate = diagram) right up until they become members of “Christ’southward Torso” (like u.s.a.).

    In Christ Jesus even now,


  9. The bible is the discussion of God and divinely inspired,simply I exercise not think information technology's human being.Jesus on the other hand was fully human and fully divine (non 1/3 God ''God the Son) as trinitarians suggest.
  10. Kristos

    Kristos Servant

    Eastern Orthodox
    I think I tin pretty much agree with that.
  11. Last edited: November 16, 2008
  12. I think the poster is simply trying to state that the Bible is God-breathed, in human words, context, and emotion; that God decided to use the men and their personalities to write his Holy Scriptures which are of Divine origin.
  13. Hello Onwings:First of all, “. . . the word of God is ‘Living and Active’ and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing equally far as the segmentation of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Heb. 4:12. Ii elements of God’s Living Give-and-take are the “Prophets” and the “Law” (meet Matt. xi:13) “having been ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator.” Gal. iii:19. The “Give-and-take of God” has a ‘triune nature’ (diagram) conforming exactly to “The Give-and-take” (diagram) in the Father (spirit), Son (blood) and Holy Spirit (water witness Helper) in the very same way that you accept a spirit (spirit witness), soul (claret witness) and torso (water witness helper).

    Your statement that Jesus Christ ‘was’ fully human being is expressionless wrong! How anybody tin can even make this claim is beyond me. Jesus Christ taught that some Bible principal is the greatest built-in of women, but that person is NOT Jesus Christ.

    Since the greatest built-in of women (greatest homo) is none other than John the Baptist (incarnation of your father Adam), then how in God’southward name can you sit there and proclaim that Jesus Christ is a mere human being??????????? Jesus Christ is the “Son of God” (John 1:34) every day of the week and twice on Sundays . . . Scripture teaches how Jesus Christ came to incarnate in this earth 2000 years agone through ‘an angel,’ saying,This theme of God sending ‘word’ of ‘The Word’ incarnating onto this earth as Jesus Christ holds true and 100 pct authentic in Matthew where Joseph and Mary receive vital information:Mary was with Child OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and the overshadowing of the ‘Power From On Loftier’ (The Father) that included the utilise of NO Dna from Joseph and NO DNA from Mary at all. Zip, Zilch, Nada, NONE. Scripture teaches that Christ was “found in appearance As A Homo” (Phil. ii:viii), considering among those built-in of women the greatest of all is still John the Baptist! The difference is that John the Baptist is just another of many ‘skins’ (Genesis 3:21 = avant-garde diagram) for your father Adam similar Abraham, Joshua, David, Elijah and the coming “prophet” of Acts 3:22-23 and one of the ‘2 witnesses’ from Revelation 11. In that location is nobody always built-in of woman greater than any of these Bible principals, because each is just another skin for your father Adam who was formed by the Lord God (Christ) dorsum in the Garden (Gen. two:7) with every incarnate ‘god’ (Ps. 82:half dozen, Jn x:34) IN him. Meet 1Corinthians fifteen:22 again . . . In fact, at that place is only ‘i’ greater than Noah, Moses, Sarah, Bathsheba and the 2d of the ‘two witnesses’ of Revelation xi (see Zech. 4:11-14 besides), because all of those are ‘skins’ for your mother Eve. :0) The reason that Jesus Christ came in blood ‘and’ in h2o (1Jn 5:half dozen) is because John the Baptist (Adam/Elijah) came in ‘spirit’ and your female parent Eve (Moses) is disqualified from leading Israel into the Promised State:Striking the Rock (see 1Cor. 10:1-5) twice was A SIN, because the Lord God (Christ) allowable that the Rock be struck ane time (Exodus 17:six) where striking the Stone twice taught the sons of Israel that the ‘h2o’ came along BY WORKS. Later y'all volition see that Israel stumbled over Christ (the Lord God) for the aforementioned exact reason (run into Romans nine:30-32), every bit these 'types' are beingness played out in the assemblies of men on the earth. Therefore, Moses (Eve) was not allowed to bring together Elijah (Adam) is preaching that the “Kingdom of sky is at hand” (Matt. iii:two), because of these ‘two witnesses’ the Lord God formed in the Garden, only ‘one’ (Malachi three:1, iv:5-6) is called the ‘messenger/affections’ of the Lord and he cleared ‘The Way’ for the Lord’s coming in the person of John the Baptist/Elijah/Adam/David. For those of you with a higher ‘spiritual’ degree:

    The Lord God (Christ) took His three witnesses (Peter, John and James) atop the mountain to bear witness to His Glorification that includes His Ii Witnesses on either side like this:


    Looking over to the left we see Moses, Christ and Elijah in three witnesses of h2o, blood and spirit EXACTLY similar the Lord God (Christ) stood between Eve (water witness) and Adam (spirit witness) in the Garden back in Genesis 2. Yous tin encounter a ‘Body of Moses’ (Jude 1:9) in Scripture ‘and’ that many men are baptized into Moses (see 1Cor. 10:1-5 once more), which makes more sense when you realize that he (Eve) represents the entire visible universe (left and bottom of Fig 2). Get upstairs in Figure ii (betwixt the two realms) and encounter that God has something in His hands and that includes the “Body of Moses” and the “Torso of Elijah” on the opposite side of the throne with the “Lamb” existence in the “center of the throne” (Rev. 7:17). By this time, perhaps, y'all can encounter that the “Body of Moses” includes ‘men’ from this universe being ‘baptized into Moses/Eve’ on the ‘physical and visible’ side of the equation. The ‘mystery’ aspect is that in that location is as well a ‘Body of Christ’ (Eph. iv:12 = that’s us) ‘and’ an invisible “Trunk of Elijah” taught only in the types ‘and’ that body includes the ‘angels’ for which John the Baptist/Elijah/Adam is ‘their’ witness in this universe. That’s right. The Hebrew and Greek terms for ‘messenger’ (as in My messenger = Mal. 3:one) is the same exact term for ‘affections’ in both original languages. :0)


    Last edited: Nov 12, 2008
  14. [​IMG]

    Look over the diagram over again to realize that Moses represents your mother Eve (water witness like ‘the earth’) and Elijah represents your father Adam (spirit witness) where men are about to be rejoined to their greater ‘angelic super-half’ in guild to put on ‘immortality’ (1Cor. 15:51-53). The reason that Elijah/Adam/David is coming to restore ‘all things’ (Matt. 17:10-xi) as the “prophet” of Acts 3:22-23 is because that includes the wedlock/joining of ALL water witness hosts to their spirit witness 'heaven’due south component' for the two to go ‘one immortal flesh’ for inheriting a place in ‘heaven’ where the visible (earth/Eve) and invisible (heavens/Adam) are rejoined into the one. :0) Look over at Figure 2, and only at the bottom showing the “New Earth” (water), “Kingdom of Sky” (blood) and the “New Heavens” (spirit) to realize that y'all are looking at this unabridged universe laying upon the altar representing the trunk (New Globe), soul (Kingdom of Heaven) and spirit (New Heavens) of your male parent Adam where Christ (The Word) is restoring His “son of God” (Luke 3:38) like Humpty Dumpty beingness put back together again. :0) If you are paying attention, then peradventure you realize that “New Jerusalem” is ‘Adam’s New Heart’ (diagram) that becomes the New Administration Hub (Eph. three:9*) of the restored New Universe.

    Now look upstairs again into “Sky” that is actually the “Highest Heaven” (1Kings viii:27) where you run across the Holy Spirit Realm on the left and the Father Realm on the right ‘and’ those Two are condign “Ane” IN THEIR SON shaded in red where the two seas meet. You are looking at “Christ Jesus” beingness rejoined into I where God’s Throne and those “Rulers and Heavenly Authorities” (Eph. 3:10*) stand testifying on either side of His Throne EXACTLY similar the Trunk of Moses and the Body of Elijah do these aforementioned things “on world equally it is in heaven.” Note carefully that ‘God’ (The Almighty from Rev. 1:viii) is saying “This Is My Beloved Son” in the same manner that Moses, Christ and Elijah 'and' Peter, John and James heard the same thing on the mountain in Matthew 17:1-eight, because we are looking at a ‘triune’ Son of God also being represented by the Holy City of New Jerusalem with an Eve side (Body of Moses) and an Adam side (Torso of Elijah) connecting the dots all the way dorsum to the Garden of Eden where the Lord God (Christ) began the sowing procedure with her seed and your seed (Gen. three:15). John the Baptist (Adam) is the incarnation of the unabridged visible and invisible universe (bottom of Fig 2), while the Lord God (Christ) is the incarnation of the entire Holy Spirit Realm ‘and’ Father Realm becoming “1” in the Kingdom Of His Beloved Son (Col. 1:12-xiii) that is neither of this world nor of this realm (John 18:36).

    Those among you forcing Jesus Christ into becoming a mere man (Lord-Have-Mercy) are breaking all the rules of Scripture without i clue as to what you lot are even doing or talking about. You cannot place the “Lord God” Himself into ‘her seed’ or ‘your seed,’ because He is the “Lord God” WHO FORMED ADAM and took Eve from HIS SIDE (Gen. 2:18-22) to become his ‘helper’ similar the Holy Spirit is the ‘Helper’ of the Male parent and the Son. No sir. Jesus Christ is the “Son of God,” merely like John the Baptist/Adam says in John 1:34 and even Peter says in Matthew 16:xv-17, because He is the incarnation of “Christ Jesus” (The Discussion/Son) who contains this entire universe like this (diagram). I am,

    In Christ Jesus right at present,


    Last edited: Nov 12, 2008
  15. Terral, please read this entire post, as I stayed up all night writing it to show you the beloved of Christ that I did non show in our last meeting. I am an insurance broker and investments advisor, and so I cherish my sleep; but non as much equally I cherish Truth and the proper handling of God's Holy Scriptures. Hullo, Terral. I'thou going to disagree with yous; but in a humble way this time. I will try non to stoop to proper name calling or ridicule as I shamefully did last time. Just know that because you blazon a lot, so will I as I volition answer to pretty much everything you say in this post.

    Hebrews 4:12-13 "For the word of God is living, and powerful, and sharper than any ii-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing disconnected of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is non manifest in his sight: merely all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to practise."

    The Word of God mentioned in Hebrews 4:12-13 is the person the Word of God, as the masculine pronoun is used to describe in a Hebraic parallelism that at that place is nothing subconscious from the Word of God, as he pierces to the very inward parts of the trunk and soul, and there is naught that is not manifest in his sight. This passage is talking near a person, and not the Scriptures, although the Scriptures are seen as a sword elsewhere.

    If Jesus Christ was non fully homo, so he could not die equally our substitute. What he did not assume in himself is not substituted in our place, and therefore he could not die on behalf of humans. Jesus Christ came in the flesh truly, and anyone that says that he did non come in the flesh of humanity should be condemned equally taught past John the Elder every bit this is chosen Docetism, that Jesus Christ merely seemed to be human.

    1 John four:1-3 "Honey, believe non every spirit, but exam the spirits whether they are of God: considering many false prophets are gone out into the globe. By this y'all know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the mankind is non of God : and this is that spirit of antichrist, of which you accept heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world."

    Farther to this, John the Baptist was the greatest born of women co-ordinate to Christ, yes, but in what sense and was this just an emphatic effigy of speech that simply emphasizes that John the Baptist was a not bad prophet, even better than whatever of the men on world. Jesus went farther if you'll read on:

    Matthew 11:11b "…all the same he that is to the lowest degree in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

    He that is the to the lowest degree in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John the Baptist. Christ was not stating that John the Baptist was the greatest homo on earth. He was simply emphasizing that John was smashing. Information technology was probably common back then to say it in this fashion. We say stuff like this a lot of the time when nosotros wish to award someone.

    And really, more specifically, Jesus probably meant that John the Baptist was great and proficient although he was a sinner. Job uses the phrase “those built-in of a woman” a lot. Jesus was probably using a common Jewish phrase which meant that although john was a sinner, he institute favour in Christ’due south sight.

    Task 14:ane-iv “Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. He comes forth like a bloom, and is cutting downward: he flees also every bit a shadow, and continues not. And do you open up your eyes upon such a i, and bring me into judgment with you? Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? no 1.”

    Job 15:fourteen “What is man, that he should be clean? and he who is born of a adult female, that he should be righteous?”

    Task 25:four “How then can man be justified with God? or how can he exist make clean that is born of a adult female?”

    These are the merely other places where the phrase “built-in of a woman” tin be establish.

    I do not believe that Jesus Christ meant for it to be said that John the Baptist was literally the best homo on earth. For Jesus Christ was a man. He came in the mankind (1 John 4:3). And if that mankind was non human, then he was no human’southward substitute.

    Again, this was a passage probably used by Docetists to promote your same idea, that Christ just appeared to be a man.

    Paul Contrasts in Romans how through one human being, Adam expiry came to all; but through the man, Jesus Christ, all will accept grace.

    Romans five:14-21 “Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned in the likeness of Adam'due south transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. So besides is the complimentary gift non like the criminal offense. For if through the offense of one many are dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, has abounded unto many. So is the gift non similar it was by one that sinned: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, just the free gift is of many offenses unto justification. For if past ane homo's offense decease reigned past ane; much more they who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life past ane, Jesus Christ.) Therefore as by the law-breaking of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; still by the righteousness of one the complimentary gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one human being's disobedience many were fabricated sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Moreover the law entered, that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That every bit sin has reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.”

    Last edited: Nov 13, 2008
  16. I don’t know what to say here. Certainly in that location is no exegesis going on. Coats of skin (Gen 3:21 ) here refers to God covering them as they tried to cover themselves with leaves because the saw they were actually naked. And so they had bodies, information technology’s just that they didn’t accept wearing apparel. This was probably symbolic of man trying to embrace upward his shame of sin, which only God may comprehend upwardly through the death of a cede. A blazon of Christ who dies on our behalf and covers our shame.

    Acts 3:22-23 is not speaking of another prophet to come up in the future. If you read the passage in it’southward entirety to try and sympathise the message it is conveying, then you’ll understand that Peter (and Stephen, every bit Stephen also uses this passage in Acts 7) is talking about Jesus who the Jews killed. The ane that Moses taught them to obey, they murdered.

    Acts three:12 -26 “And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, You men of State of israel , why marvel you at this? or why expect you and so earnestly on us, as though past our ain power or holiness we had made this man to walk? The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Son Jesus; whom you delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to allow him go. Simply you lot denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to exist granted unto you; And killed the Prince of life, whom God has raised from the dead; of which nosotros are witnesses. And his name through faith in his proper noun has made this human strong, whom yous see and know: yea, the religion which is by him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of y'all all. And at present, brethren, I know that through ignorance you did it, as did also your rulers. But those things, which God before had showed by the oral cavity of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he has so fulfilled. Apologize therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, who before was preached unto you lot: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God has spoken by the oral fissure of all his holy prophets since the globe began. For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God enhance upward unto you lot of your brethren, like unto me; him shall you hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, who will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow afterwards, every bit many equally have spoken, accept likewise foretold of these days. You are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, proverb unto Abraham, And in your descendants shall all the families of the globe be blessed. Unto y'all first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to anoint you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.”

    And so you meet, the prophet which was raised upwardly unto to brothers of Israel was Christ who was raised upward from the grave.

    And he wasn't talking nigh the futurity, he says specifically that he was talking almost the days they were living in. "Foretold of these days" is used in the passage to say taht the quoted passage was fulfilled in Christ; it does not say, "foretold of the time to come."

    Now, I will acknowledge to you lot that I do not know who the two prophets are in Revelation, or if they merely stand up for things similar a lot of Revelation; merely you take yet to evidence who they really are from Scripture, and most people speculate that these prophets are Moses and Elijah only because they spoke with Jesus during his transfiguration. I do not encounter a logical consequence that these or any others are the 2 prophets to come, or any reason to believe what you say.

    1 Corinthians 15:22 “For as in Adam all dice, yet in Christ shall all be fabricated alive.”

    At present, I do not think that “in Christ” and “in Adam” means that we were created at the fourth dimension Adam was created. I think that these terms merely identify those who are identified with Adam equally his offspring and those who suffer the consequences of his actions. In Christ would mean the spiritual offspring of Christ who makes those alive as a consequence of his deportment. It doesn’t hateful literally; again these seem to be figures of spoken language.

    I don’t come across how Zechariah four:xi-xiv proves that Eve and Adam are the two prophets, although there is definitely a correlation betwixt the two prophets and these two olive trees as Revelation states so

    Zechariah iv:11-14 “Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these 2 olive trees upon the correct side of the lampstand and upon its left side? And I answered again, and said unto him, What are these 2 olive branches which through the two golden pipes pour out the golden oil? And he answered me and said, Know you not what these are? And I said, No, my lord. Then said he, These are the two all-powerful ones, that stand past the Lord of the whole globe.”

    Revelation 11:3-4 “And I will give power unto my ii witnesses, and they shall prophesy a chiliad two hundred and iii score days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two lampstands standing before the God of the globe.”

    So there are some hidden bounds that you must have to testify this.

    The reason why Jesus really came in blood and h2o, was because he was born of a woman. 1 John, as I stated above, deals with the heresy of Docetism. This doctrine states that Jesus came out of Mary’s womb as water passes through a pipe, considering he was not a real man. If Jesus came out of Mary for real and not only seemed to come out of her, then he was a man, and therefore he could not exist God (or so they thought). John hither is stating that Jesus did not come only by water, by the breaking of Mary’s water, but past claret, showing that he really was physically born of a adult female.

    I don’t follow where the mother Eve came from in the discussion; but that’south fine, I’ll move on.

    Aye, striking the rock twice was a sin, but I think the point of this passage was a spiritual application as is seen past the constant use of the concrete objects in a spiritual sense.

    1 Corinthians 10:1-v “Moreover, brethren, I want not that yous should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the body of water; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the aforementioned spiritual nutrient; And did all drink the same spiritual drinkable: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Stone was Christ. But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.”

    Hitting the rock is nowhere mentioned in the ane Corinthians passage and I would similar to indicate that out, so in that location is no reason to mention the two strikes. The point is that Jesus was the Stone that although Israel received spiritual benefit from him, they did non delight God. They were disobedient to him in the desert. Therefore, simply because there are people in our congregations who receive some of the benefits of Christ, fellowship of believers, and truth being taught to them, their actions will show that they are non pleasing to God.

    The Apostle writes farther in the next verse:

    1 Corinthians ten:6 “Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should non lust after evil things, as they also lusted.”

    And the previous passages and the verses after the passage just exegeted show this to be the case.

    The water came forth because God cared for Israel . God’s rain falls on the simply and the unjust, because he is merciful. Works practice not produce the spiritual water. In spite of Moses’ works, God all the same spared the children of Israel , because of his covenant. Christ was the Rock, and the h2o in ane Corinthians x is a type of one of the benefits of Christ.
    Terminal edited: Nov 13, 2008
  17. The Apostle here writes definitely that it was because of the lack of faith of the Jews, that they did not attain to righteousness (not all of them, but some of them); it was because they tried to do this past the works of the law. But in Romans 1-vii Paul shows that the works of the law to not make any righteous, on the opposite, they show that men are utterly evil, and without excuse.

    So, if yous are saying that Israel stumbled over Christ because they were trying to achieve salvation by works, then I agree.

    Romans 9:xxx-33 "What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, who followed not later on righteousness, have attained to righteousness, fifty-fifty the righteousness which is of organized religion. But State of israel , who followed after the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Considering they sought it not past religion, but as information technology were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone; Equally information technology is written, Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense: and whosoever believes on him shall non be ashamed."

    "The kingdom of heaven is at paw" was the message of the gospel. This is kind of a blazon of promised land, as the kingdom of heaven is being promised by the gospel.

    I still do non see the biblical connectedness between Eve and Moses or Adam and Elijah. Wouldn't it be better to compare Cain who brought forth the fruits of the world and labour with Moses, and Abel who offered a sacrifice pleasing to God (without faith it is impossible to please God) with Elijah.

    Even then, they are merely types; not the same actual people. Merely to let you know, it about seems you lot are trying to say that Adam was reincarnated every bit Elijah. I'grand not proverb that is what yous mean. I'm simply saying that is near what information technology sounds similar to me. I just become that sense. If this is true, I don't see the Scriptural back up for it. If you are not saying that, then I will try to look closer to see the types you are talking nigh.

    Again, I do not meet the correlation of the two witnesses to the messenger. John the Baptist is definitely being prophesied about in terms of Elijah, and the Apostles definitely saw him as the anti-type of Elijah to this prophesy. He wore the aforementioned apparel, and lived in the wilderness like Elijah.

    Now, as for Adam and David, I run across no connexion.

    Moses, Christ, and Elijah are seen every bit witnesses of water for what reason? Is it because water is mentioned in connection with them? If everytime I saw a person continued to h2o in the OT, and I decided they were a water witness wouldn't I take Joshua, Gideon, Elisha, etc. all as water witnesses? For what reason ultimately do y'all believe these things and this chart?

    It certainly is not exegesis.

  18. The "Trunk of Moses" story is believed to come from the counterfeit fables of the Jews; traditions they believed. The writer is not highly-seasoned to this story as truth; just rather he is appealing to it because his opponents believe it to exist truth, and the Scriptures would non avail an argument to them as they would not accept the Scriptures' regular authority. Why practice Moses and Eve represent the entire visible universe? Considering of the figure?

    What almost the rest? Where is the actual exegesis? Are y'all educational activity what the apostles taught from Scripture?

    Actually, given the fact that y'all believe the man, Jesus Christ, is not a man, then probably not.

    I cannot see it, because there are many logical jumps which are non shown. Something nosotros tin agree on! That the Church is a mystery! The residuum of the stuff you are presenting I do non follow at all. The diagram has no potency on this affair. In terms of angelic super-half, I assume you mean the resurrected body, when this corruption puts on incorruption. Indeed it will be angelic; yet I don't think anyone can really conceive what it will be like exactly aside from Christ himself. Just I don't call up that you are proverb this.

    I do retrieve it's sad that you don't even know that the "prophet to come" in Acts 3, has already come (Jesus Christ), and those who don't believe on him are cutting off from his people. The Apostle is not prophesying nearly a futurity coming prophet (though Christ is coming once more), he talking nearly the prophet that came who the Jews rejected and therefore they must be cut off.

    Interesting. Non based in exegesis of the word of God; but interesting nonetheless. Firstly, the New heaven and new Earth are considered by most Christians to exist the consummation of the coming of the kingdom of heaven to information technology's fullest. The connections that you make in this again are unclear. You seem to be using the diagram more than the Scriptures.

    1For this reason I, Paul, (A)the prisoner of (B)Christ Jesus (C) for the sake of you (D)Gentiles -- 2if indeed you lot have heard of the (Due east)stewardship of God'due south grace which was given to me for you; iii(F)that (K)by revelation there was (H)made known to me (I)the mystery, (J)equally I wrote before in brief. 4By referring to this, when yous read you tin can understand (Thou)my insight into the (L)mystery of Christ , 5which in other generations was non made known to the sons of men, as information technology has now been revealed to His holy (M)apostles and prophets in the Spirit; 6to be specific, that the Gentiles are (N)beau heirs and (O)fellow members of the body, and (P)fellow partakers of the promise in (Q)Christ Jesus through the gospel, 7(R)of which I was fabricated a (S)minister, according to the gift of (T)God'due south grace which was given to me (U)co-ordinate to the working of His ability. 8To me, (Five)the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to (W)preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable (10)riches of Christ, 9and to bring to low-cal what is the administration of the (Y)mystery which for ages has been (Z)hidden in God (AA)who created all things; 10 so that the manifold (AB)wisdom of God might now be (AC)made known through the church building to the (Advertizing)rulers and the authorities in (AE)the heavenly places.

    Now, from the passage to a higher place, which is the quotation from Bible Gateway that you lot have on your post, isn't it clear that the new administration is non a new sky or world. It is that the God of the Jews is also the God of the Gentiles and the Gentiles are accepted by God in Christ. They are fellow heirs, fellow members of the torso of Christ (which is symbolic language for the Church building) and swain partakers in Christ through the Gospel. Paul states plainly that the mystery of Christ is this new assistants of the gospel to the Gentiles.

  19. Triune Son of God? No, God is Triune. The Son of God is one person in that Triunity. He is the Lord, yes; he is not all iii members of the Trinity.

    Again, the diagram is your standard for truth. Well, I don’t accept this standard. I have Scripture, so please tell me where the Apostles tell united states of america this.

    I do believe that at that place is enmity between Eve and the serpent’south seed; merely it seems you are comparing Eve with Eve’due south seed, and Adam with the serpent’south seed. I’m a little confused with this. Perchance you could shed a fiddling calorie-free? I don’t even retrieve I can follow your language, considering you never e'er state why you believe this diagram in the outset place. No one calls Jesus a mere human. They call him a homo, and the God. At least I practice. If he were not God, then he could not stand up before God the Father on his own merit, and if he were not man, he could not die as homo’s substitute. It seems pretty clear that when it talks about the woman’s seed, the hope is made that a triumphant man would overcome the ophidian. That triumphant man is Jesus Christ, the seed of the woman.

    What also seems clear to me is that you do not know what the rules of Scripture fifty-fifty are; because every Scripture you lot cited was out of it’due south context.

    I know you don’t similar me proverb that, but I take it from Scripture in context that Christ was born of a adult female, of claret and water because Mary was a virgin who gave birth, to the human being, Jesus Christ who is the Son of God. Anyone that says that Jesus was not in the flesh is condemned by the Apostles, by God, and past the Holy Scriptures which are the testimonies of God and His Apostles. The point of 1 John was that Jesus Christ was a human being truly; and anyone who says otherwise is going to hell unless they apologize.

    I said information technology very clearly and then that you understand my position on the issue (non that I matter). I just promise that y'all look into my interpretations of Scripture, because I looked into yours seriously, and found no meaningful interpretation at all. At times it seemed almost incoherent.

    Look, I will admit, I don’t know everything; but i affair I do know is that those who misuse God’s word cease up in spiritual darkness though they recall everything is fine.

    Also, I know that I ridiculed you earlier; but I definitely am sorry for that. And if I don’t convert you lot, then perhaps God will just utilize my posting to show the incorrectness of your doctrines in gild to discourage you from posting these arguments altogether.

    I hope yous empathise that I’m not confronting you. I am very much for you, and desire you to come to the saving knowledge of Christ. What I am against, and I state it patently, are your beliefs which are evil in God’s sight.

    The most loving thing I tin do is bear witness y'all that Christ came as a homo and humbled himself and took on flesh that did not just merely seem like human flesh, but was actually human mankind.

    No, my friend, you are not. I hope i twenty-four hour period yous will be.
    Concluding edited: November 13, 2008
  20. Hi Eclipseca:We disagree. Hebrews 4:12 is written about God’southward ‘written’ Word that is ‘Living and Agile’ (my signature poetry) and yous should be ashamed for leaving Hebrews 4:fourteen out of the quotation that says,Jesus Christ the “Son of God” (John one:34) is “The Word” (John 1:ane-iii) made flesh (John 1:fourteen) who personifies the Give-and-take of God (Heb. 4:12) as the Living Tabernacle of the “Living God” (Heb. 3:12). When Hebrews talks about “His rest” (Heb. four:1), so we are talking nearly “God’s rest” taking place in the transition from solar day half-dozen (Gen. 1:31) and twenty-four hours seven (Gen. two:ane-4) from Hebrews 4:10. Jesus Christ is the “Lord God” of Genesis ii:4 who formed His ‘son of God’ (Luke 3:38) in the Garden ‘and’ the same “Lord God” who continues to work on this ongoing ‘seventh/Sabbath’ day as the “Lord of the Sabbath.” Matthew 12:8. However, that changes aught about ‘Scripture’ itself beingness the “Word of God” in Hebrews 4:12, because the comparison is being fabricated to the ‘written’ and ‘living’ Word our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel is besides called the “word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17) where we receive the ‘faith of Jesus’ (Rom. 3:26) past ‘hearing,’ considering even the spiritual, soul and concrete essence of ‘the gospel’ has a ‘triune’ nature (Fig. 1) like Scripture (diagram) and The Word (F+S+HS). And, all of these Bible Principals (Gospel, Scripture, Christ) behave the same prototype of God (GTC, GWI, GWW), which is too the prototype of a man (6), because all spirit witnesses conduct the number one (ane) and all blood witnesses bear the number two (two) and all water witnesses bear the number three (3) and added together (ane+two+three) they equal six (6). :0) This is nonsense. If Jesus Christ is a mere man, and then He requires a Savior like everybody else ("all men"). Jesus Christ is the “Son of God” (John 1:34) and Eclipseca has no idea what that even means . . . Bullony! The “Son of God” (Luke 1:35) is ‘conceived of the Holy Spirit’ (Matt. one:18, 20) past the overshadowing of the ‘power from on Loftier’ from The Father. Your errant interpretation is proven faux by a single affirmation from Jesus Christ Himself that there is none greater born of women than John the Baptist! Matt. 11:11. Go ahead and try to evidence otherwise . . . Jesus Christ is “The Word” (John i:1-3) made flesh (John 1:14) “institute in appearance Equally A MAN.” Phil. two:eight. Stop of story . . . Of course. Jesus Christ is talking almost the Kingdom of Heaven that contains this entire universe (in red) where every unmarried member of Christ’southward Body is ‘almost infinite’ like Christ Jesus Himself. Just one member of Christ’south Body is 'almost infinite,' which makes each member greater than this unabridged universe that John the Baptist/Elijah/David/Adam represents. :0) All the same, there is nobody ‘born of women’ greater than John the Baptist, because everyone in this universe died IN him. 1Cor. 15:22. Jesus Christ is the “Lord God” who formed John the Baptist/Adam from the dust of the ground, so He is disqualified from being any mere man . . . Bullony! Jesus Christ disqualified Himself as being ‘built-in of women’ past saying, "Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist!” Matt. eleven:11a. Menstruation! Jesus Christ is the “Lord God” testifying about His “son of God” AND John the Baptist is Adam testifying about “The Lite” (John 1:4-seven) like he did as Adam (Gen. 1:three) from the very beginning. John the Baptist was baptized with the Holy Spirit (like Gen. 1:ii = over the surface of the waters) while still in his mother’southward womb (Luke 1:xv). Get ahead and endeavor to show us John’south sin!!! :0) Practiced luck partner, considering to fulfill ‘all righteousness,’ then even Jesus Christ came to be baptized past John! Matt. 3:fifteen-16. Jesus Christ came in water and blood ONLY (1John v:6), but in that location are ‘3’ that testify (spirit, blood and water), and so who came along leading the fashion in spirit in the first place? :0) The answer is that John the Baptist was sent FROM GOD (John 1:vi) and ‘you lot’ are calling him a sinner! This is what Zacharias (his begetter priest) prophesied past the Holy Spirit some thirty years earlier about his son:Zacharias is prophesying past the Holy Spirit proclaiming that John the Baptist is the “prophet of the Most Loftier” AND Jesus Christ Himself testifies that he is “More than than a prophet.” Matt. eleven:9. Jesus Christ says that, “Those who article of clothing soft wear are in kings’ palaces!” Matthew xi:viii. Christ says that “. . . all the Prophets and the Constabulary prophesied until JOHN” (Matt. 11:13) saying that IF you can take information technology (and you cannot), and then John himself is Elijah who is to come. Matt. 11:xiv. Christ says that Elijah is coming to restore all things (Matt. 17:10-11) which Peter expounds upon in Acts 3:19-26 where John the Baptist/Elijah/David/Adam is the ‘prophet’ that many will neglect to mind to their own utter devastation. Acts 3:22-23. Why??? :0) Understanding about this coming ‘prophet’ is obtained by going dorsum to Matthew 11:14 and identifying ‘where’ he originates and actually comes from, by knowing what Christ’s means in saying Elijah “who is to come up” (cheque tenses here).

    Adam ‘in whom’ all died is an incarnation of Adam ‘who was’ similar John the Baptist is the incarnation of the prophet ‘who is’ 2000 years ago whose time had yet to come. All of Adam’s incarnations as Adam (skin = Gen. 3:21) and Abraham (father) and David (king) and Elijah (prophet) originated from the ‘past’ in anticipation of he “who is to come” arriving from the infinite future! :0) A proper understanding is gathered from the relationships of God’s iii witnesses (The Almighty) testifying in Revelation 1:8 as God To Come (spirit witness Prophet), God Who Is (blood witness Rex) and God Who Was (water witness Priest), merely merely for those with optics from God to meet.


    God’south Three Witnesses break some of the rules for all other triune mystery sets (diagram and diagram) because God Who Was came ‘beginning’ and God To Come is the ‘last’ on whatsoever linear timeline. The deviation is that the ‘terminal becomes kickoff and the starting time last’ where these two witnesses switch places and roles. In every other case, the ‘spirit witness’ comes first (like the Male parent for the Son and Holy Spirit and heavens for sky and earth, man for the seed and adult female, etc.) to laissez passer ‘celebrity’ to the blood witness (king) and the water witness comes final (like Holy Spirit, earth, woman, priests, etc..). Conscientious examination of the above diagram reveals that “God To Come” is now the ‘spirit witness’ coming from the distant ‘future,’ which is the footing for His proper noun every bit “God Who Is To Come.” The coming ‘prophet’ of Acts 3:22-23 is Elijah ‘who is to come,’ because he is returning from the infinite ‘future’ from a fourth dimension that Heaven and Earth (Gen. 1:1) in the distant futurity (Rev. 21:ane+) merge together in ‘condign’ the very aforementioned thing!


    The lower triune mystery set (Earth, Heaven, Heavens) are rejoined into One ‘and’ The Holy Spirit, Son and Father join together becoming “One” in the “Highest Sky” at the very same time. This operation of God includes this unabridged universe returning into the side of The Discussion (Christ) like this:


    Terminal edited: Nov fourteen, 2008
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